The “multiverse“ of Katja Stuke is black and white. It consists of various types of images: photographs by the artist, material found in archives and through internet-research, generated images by text-to-image AI, screenshots from blockbuster-movies, video- games, Second Life or other online virtual- spaces. Pixel-like the video reveals little by little different layers of photographs of architecture or landscape, (parts of) bodies or abstract images. At a pace, so the eyes of the viewer get a filmic impression of different realities.
Adapting this visual multilayer, the sound by Axel Ganz follows this idea and adds several audio-layers to the images. The exhibition also includes another video, titled Xerox Quad, with rhythmic beats by Thomas Klein, and some photographic notes by Oliver Sieber.

Multiversum, 2023
mixed media:
one-channel-video, 4K, 10:30 min
Sound: Pondskater
2.150 Digital Prints
3 Pigment Prints, framed
Katja Stuke, Xerox Quad
one-channel-video, 03:55 min
Sound: Thomas Klein
Oliver Sieber, SCP9000
4 Pigment Prints, framed
(sound: Pondskater)
Katja Stuke, Xerox Quad, exhibition installation 2024
(sound: Thomas Klein)
exhibited/screened at:
2024 »Schwarzes Licht« Espace Joerg Brockmann, CH-Carouge
2023 »Schwarzes Licht« Dong Gang International Photography Festival
2023 »Tales for a Future. Crown Letter« Institut Français Prag
2023 »7. Urban Space Video Walk« (audience award) WELTKUNSTZIMMER Düsseldorf
2023 »Micropopweek Düsseldorf« concert Pondskater, Off Church Düsseldorf

2023 »Micropopweek Düsseldorf« concert Pondskater, Off Church Düsseldorf
2023 »7. Urban Space Video Walk« (audience award) WELTKUNSTZIMMER Düsseldorf